Sunday, June 6, 2010

12 Summits of Tiger Mountain

12 Summits of Tiger Mountain.
WOW! That was a big day. For those who don't know, the Tiger Mountain State Forest has 6 named mountain summits. This run begins at the Tradition Plateau Trailhead and goes over each summit enroute to the trailhead at the southernmost corner of the forest near the intersection of Issaquah Hobart Road and Highway 18. Then, we return on the same route. 34 miles total with more than 10,000 feet of climbing. And, since our scout leader got confused at the clear cut next to South Tiger Mountain, we ran up the mountain in the middle of the clear cut. So, we got 13 summits and more than 35 miles. 7 1/2 hours in the best day of weather we've had this year. Great work Spencer, Marty, Chris, Dave & Lars (and Steve for coming out for about 15 miles). Eating a lot right now!
Here is the nutrition for the day;
a.m. 90 minutes prior to run - 32 ounces of water plus a banana smoothie - 5 bananas
Run fuel was 66 ounces of OJ that had dates soaking overnight. Took 10 more dates in baggies with a little bit of water for them to soak up. Refilled bottles with water for a total 66 ounces of water.
Immediately after the run, I had 22 more ounces of the OJ/Date juice.

The OJ/date combination can only be described as rocket fuel. My legs were as fresh at 7 hours as they were at the start - seriously. I will use this combination again. I know that citrus & sweets are not supposed to be a good combination, but I couldn't have felt better. Credit goes to Kathleen for the idea to try that.

Right now, I'm just finishing 150 ounces of banana smoothie - 22 bananas. According to Nutridiary, I have consumed 5000 calories (after the smoothie), and I still have 3000 calories to go. I might not get there, but I'll be close.

Truly an epic day of training. I'll share a picture from summit 4 (East Tiger Mountain) when I get it sent to me.
Mt Rainier in the distance from the summit of East Tiger.

And, a good shot of Mt Rainier;

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