Monday, March 15, 2010

Recovery week (with a little race)

A week of recovery that followed 4 weeks of buildup including a hard fall last Sunday. The result of that fall is creating some anxiety. Good thing next Saturday's 50k race isn't today!

A quick summary of training for the week;

Monday - 1 hour swim

Tuesday - 3 miles 28:36 - my hip was really sore.

Wednesday AM - 4 miles 38:08

Wednesday PM - 5 miles 41:40 - hip is getting better, but still sore

Thursday - 6 miles 53:37 - still improving, but wondering how the upcoming 5k will go.

Friday - 3.25 miles 24:59 - OK, now I'm getting better - 5k race in the morning

Saturday - 5 miles 43:00 warmup before 5k race

Saturday - St Patty's Day 5k race - 19:50. 8 seconds off my 5k PR.

Sunday - 12 miles 1:39:28Weekly total - 42 miles - 5hr 50min - Pretty easy week of recovery

I was pleasantly surprised with the 5k time yesterday. My hip is still sore, the course was very turny and hilly for a 5k. It's definitely not a course that you'd expect to get a personal best. I look forward to some flat and fast races later this spring. I definitely can get that time under 19:00 soon enough.

The next 4 days will be very important to continue to get improvement in my hip, pick up my speed and get me set up properly for Saturday's 50km trail ultra marathon. I'm hoping to run this as close as I can to the line of exploding without going over. I'll try to get in 40 miles this week and probably will split those up between AM and PM runs, so nothing too long. If each run is 4 to 6 miles - twice a day, that will be perfect.

Bananas have been the food of choice this week. That will continue this coming week. Although, I did have 4 oranges before today's run. Then, 5 bananas right after the run. After showering, just finished about 70 ounces of banana/young coconut smoothie - 13 or 14 bananas, young coconut meat, a pint of water and 2 handfuls of ice. That's how I like my smooties.

And, with the weather warming a bit - the forecast leading up to race day is sunshine and some clouds with highs in the 50s on race day - things are lining up nicely.

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